

Journal publications


20. Vankadari N, Ketavarapu V, Mitnala S, Vishnubotla R, Reddy DN, Ghosal D (2022). Structure of Human TMPRSS2 in Complex with SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein and Implications for Potential Therapeutics.  J Phys Chem LettJun 8;13(23):5324-5333.


19.  Vankadari N, Shepherd DC, Carter SD, Ghosal DGhosal D (2022). Three-dimensional insights into human enveloped viruses in vitro and in situ. Biochem Soc Trans. Feb 28;50(1):95-105..


18. Shepherd D, Dalvi S, Ghosal D (2022). From cells to atoms: Cryo-EM as an essential tool to investigate pathogen biology, host-pathogen interaction, and drug discovery. Mol MicrobiolMar;117(3):610-617.

17. Kaplan M, Nicolas WJ, Zhao W, Carter SD, Metskas LA, Chreifi G, Ghosal D, Jensen GJ. (2021). In Situ Imaging and Structure Determination of Biomolecular Complexes Using Electron Cryo-Tomography. Methods Mol Biol2021;2215:83-111.


16. Nicolas WJ, Ghosal D, Tocheva EI, Meyerowitz EM, Jensen GJ (2020). Structure of the Bacterial Cellulose Ribbon and Its Assembly-Guiding Cytoskeleton by Electron Cryotomography. J Bacteriol, 11;203(3):e00371-20.


15. Ghosal D, Kim KW, Zheng H, Kaplan M, Truchan HK, Lopez AE, McIntire IE, Vogel JP, Cianciotto NP, Jensen GJ. (2019) In vivo structure of the Legionella type II secretion system by electron cryotomography. Nature Microbiology, Dec; 4(12):2101-2108.


14. Ghosal D, Jeong KC, Chang YW, Gyore J, Teng L, Gardner A, Vogel JP and Jensen GJ. (2019) Molecular architecture, polar targeting and biogenesis of the Legionella Dot/Icm T4SS. Nature Microbiology, Jul; 4(7):1173-1182.

·     Reported in 1) Phys.Org 2) Caltech news 3) The Science Times 4) Eurekalert 5) Science Daily etc.


13. Kaplan M, Ghosal D, Subramanian P, Oikonomou C, Kjær A, Pirbadian S, Ortega DR, El-Naggar MY and Jensen GJ. (2019) The presence and absence of periplasmic rings in bacterial flagellar motors correlates with stator type. eLife, 16;8. pii: e43487.


12. Ghosal D*, Kaplan M*, Chang YW, Jensen GJ. (2019) In Situ Imaging and Structure Determination of Bacterial Toxin Delivery Systems Using Electron Cryotomography. Methods Mol Biol. 1921:249-265.


11. Kaplan M, Subramanian P, Ghosal D, Oikonomou C, Pirbadian S, StarwaltLee R, Mageswaran S, Ortega DR, Gralnick JA, El-Naggar MY and Jensen GJ. (2019) In situ imaging of the bacterial flagellar motor disassembly and assembly processes. EMBO J 38:e100957.


10. Shaffer CL*, Chang YW*, Rettberg L, Ghosal D, Jensen GJ. (2018) In vivo structures of the Helicobacter pylori Cag type IV secretion system. Cell Rep, 23(3): 673-681.


9. Ghosal D, Chang YW, Jeong KC, Vogel JP, Jensen GJ. (2017) In situ structure of the Legionella Dot/Icm type IV secretion system by electron cryotomography. EMBO Rep, 18, 726-732.

·        Reported in 1) Phys.Org 2) Caltech news 3) Futurity: Research News.


 8. Jeong KC, Ghosal D, Chang YW, Jensen GJ, Vogel JP. (2017) Polar delivery of Legionella type IV secretion system substrates is essential for virulence. PNAS, 114 (30) 8077-8082.


7. Yao Q, Jewett AI, Chang YW, Oikonomou CM, Beeby M, Iancu CV, Briegel A, Ghosal D, Jensen GJ. (2017) Short FtsZ filaments can drive asymmetric cell envelope constriction at the onset of bacterial cytokinesis. EMBO J, 1;36(11):1577-1589.


6. Briegel A, Oikonomou CM, Chang YW, Kjær A, Huang AN, Kim KW, Ghosal D, Nguyen HH, Kenny D, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Gunsalus RP, Jensen GJ. (2017) Morphology of the archaellar motor and associated cytoplasmic cone in Thermococcus kodakaraensisEMBO Rep, 18(9):1660-1670.


5. Girotra M, Srivastava S, Kulkarni A, Barbora A, Bobra K, Ghosal D, Devan P, Aher A, Jain A, Panda D, Ray K. (2017) The C-terminal tails of heterotrimeric kinesin-2 motor subunits directly bind to α-tubulin1: Possible implications for cilia-specific tubulin entry. Traffic, 18(2):123-133


4. Ghosal D , Löwe J. (2015) Collaborative protein filaments. EMBO J, 14;34(18):2312-20.


3. Ghosal D, Trambaiolo D, Amos LA, Löwe J. (2014) MinCD cell division proteins form alternating copolymeric cytomotive filaments. Nature Communications. 15;5:5341.

• F1000 recommendation


2. Sadananda A, Hamid R, Doodhi H, Ghosal D, Girotra M, Jana SC, Ray K. (2012) Interaction with a kinesin-2 tail propels choline acetyltransferase flow towards synapse. Traffic. 13(7):979-91.


1. Doodhi H*, Ghosal D*, Krishnamurthy M, Jana SC, Shamala D, Bhaduri A, Sowdhamini R, Ray K. (2009) KAP, the accessory subunit of kinesin-2, binds the predicted coiled-coil stalk of the motor subunits. Biochemistry. 17;48(10):2248-60.



Book chapters


1. Szwedziak P†, Ghosal D.† (2017) FtsZ-ring Architecture and Its Control by MinCD. Subcell Biochem. 84:213-244.


2. Ghosal D†, Löwe J, Amos L. A. (2016) Bacterial and Archaeal Cytoskeletons. Encyclopedia of Cell Biology. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-394447-4.20058Mol Microbiol .