14) Manpreet Singh joins the Ghosal group as a DBP Hons student. Welcome Manpreet! (July, 2021)
13) Ghosal group receives MDHS NHMRC Large Equipment Grant Scheme funding to establish cryoET sample preparation facility. (June, 2021)
12) Debnath presents a seminar at the Melbourne Dental School. (May, 2021)
11) Debnath delivers an ‘in person‘ seminar at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. (April, 2021)
10) Bindusmita Paul received a Melbourne Research Scholarship to join our group as a PhD student! Welcome Bindusmita! (March, 2021)
9) Sacha Sapsford joins the lab as a DBP Hons student. Welcome Sacha! (Feb, 2021)
8) Matt joins the Ghosal lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Matt! (Jan, 2021)
7) Doulin Shepherd received a Melbourne Research Scholarship to join our group as a PhD student! Welcome Doulin! (Dec, 2020)
6) The Ghosal lab receives “Bonn-Melbourne Research Excellence Fund” (Dec, 2020)
5) Debnath delivers an online colloquium at BSBE, IIT Kanpur, India. (Oct, 2020)
4) Somavally receives an RTP scholarship to pursue her PhD in our lab! She will be our first graduate student! Welcome Somavally! (Sept, 2020)
3) Manasi joins the Ghosal lab as a research assistant. Welcome Manasi! (Sept, 2020)
2) First BIG news: The Ghosal lab has been awarded with an NHMRC investigator grant! (May, 2020)
1) Debnath delivers an invited seminar at the ACMM 26 in Canberra. (Feb, 2020)